The Dogs
The dogs of Little Kitchen Big Food are an integral part of our kitchen and household. These "fur babies" bring joy and happiness to our lives every day.
Henry aka Hanker Pankers is the only boy in the pack. With a soft coat and heart to match he can eat like it is his job. Henry loves riding in cars and sometimes can be seen around town sticking his head out of the sun roof (aka magic sky hole) while motoring around town.
Poppy aka Pops Da Dops
Poppy came into the LKBF studios as a 8 week old puppy. Here she is at 1 year old at her other job as Senior Smile Distributor at her daddys office. Lacking any mean bones she greets everyone in the office and at home with all of the kisses and sweetness she can muster. Its hard having a full time job….but Poppy is up to the task.
Shelby aka Snoo
Shelby is the oldest member of the pack, and the instigator of the group. Shelby can often be found burrowed under pillows, on top of pillows, or growling at visitors from under the couch. Shelby demands belly rubs from her humans regularly and generally avoids the kitchen because it is loud. She doesn't fetch or play catch but can quickly turn on the charm by hopping up and down on her front paws when you walk in the door. Shelby is now the oldest LKBF puppy at 8 years old. She runs the house, and the kitchen but mainly runs naptime.
Lily aka Lily Bear
Lily, a cousin of Poppy is about 5 months younger than Poppy and a visiting pack member. When you get her, Clover and Poppy together….chaos happens but who doesn’t love to see three puppies playing. Lily’s house has a pool, but she still needs swimming lessons and Poppy is happy to teach her.
Clover….with many nick names
This is Clover. Clover was recently adopted by the Little Kitchen Big Food Support staff and one of the official taste testers Bill (Billiomaire). Clover has so many nick names but lovingly is called Clover, the Red Rover from Dover who eats all of the Snowy Plovers when Bill brings her over. Full of puppy energy she can often be found knocking things off of coffee tables with her abnormally long tail or tongue and generally being playful with Poppy and Henry. Her favorite game to play is Bite Poppy’s Face. Its super fun she says. Poppy agrees.
Rainbow Bridge Crossers
Daisy (aka Daisy Doggikins. aka Daisy the Big Red Dog. aka Waise)
Daisy In Memoriam
Daisy was the matriarch of the pack. She was patient and persistent and loved eating vegetables. Fearless and protective of her humans she policed the house making sure the other pack members were behaving. Catch was her special skill. Her favorite foods were red bell peppers and carrots that were being chopped in the kitchen. She also loved chewing on ice cubes and could often be found begging for them at the sound of an opening freezer. Daisy recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is missed every day.
Thomas J. (aka: Tommy the Mohawk Dog. aka Tommy the Jerk aka Thomas aka Wommis)
Tommy In Memoriam
Tommy was the wild one of the pack and can often be found sporting a mohawk. Always on the lookout for the next big adventure he loved going on walks and playing with the other pack members. When you looked at him you can tell he was always plotting something. Very intelligent we think he may have been able to deploy opposable thumbs when no one was home because doors that were locked, are often opened. Often he could be found checking the kitchen floor for food that may have escaped a cooking vessel. Tommy enjoyed orange bell peppers, and carrots but determined lettuce was not a food. Tommy recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge after suffering from seizures. Tommy is missed every day.
Maggie aka Maggers….The Pie Face In Memoriam
Maggie was an awesome pack member with her one floppy ear. Super sweet and a little sassy at times, The Maggers or Pie Face as we called her, was always super cuddly and loved going for walks. Maggers crossed the Rainbow Bridge a little while back and is missed every day.